Saturday 11 April 2015

How to handle stock transfer posting in SAP Inventory Management

STOCK Transfers in SAP
 Stock transfers can happen in two ways:
1.       Change in status only, no physical stock movement
2.       Change in physical status, movement from one location to another.
Let's discuss the change in status only. The possible business scenarios are as follows:
              Materials moved from Quality stock type to Unrestricted stock type
              Materials moved from Quality stock type to Blocked stock type
              Materials moved from Unrestricted stock type to Quality  stock type
              Materials moved from Unrestricted stock type to Block  stock type
              Materials moved from Block stock type to Unrestricted stock type
              Material to material movement
 Let's discuss the change in physical status only. The possible business scenarios are as follows:
              Stock movement from one storage location to another storage location
              Stock movement from one plant to another plant.
              Stock movement from one company to another.

Stock transfers (No physical movement )can happen via MIGO transaction by using different movement types.
Following movement types can be used while doing stock transfer posting
321 Transfer posting stock in quality inspection - unrestricted-use stock  
323 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - stock in quality inspection                                                                                                                       
325 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - blocked stock                   
343 Transfer posting blocked stock - unrestricted-use stock                                            
349 Transfer posting blocked stock - stock in quality inspection                                     

Stock transfers with physical movement can happen via MIGO transaction by using different movement types.
Following movement types can be used while doing stock transfers
301 Transfer posting plant to plant in one step                                                                      
303 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps - removal from storage                        
305 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps - placement in storage                           
311 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in one step                           
313 Stock transfer -  storage location to storage location in two steps -     removal from storage                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
315 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in two steps -  placement in storage                                                                                                                
351 Goods issue for a stock transport order (without SD)                                                  

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